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So I made it to Harvard. Neverthought I’d be able to say that in mylife, but it feels good. Thank you, Dr.Counter, thank you to the Harvard Foun原dation, and thank you, Harvard Universi原ty for this great honor. Thank you. I’mincredibly humbled by this -to be ac原knowledged at this magnitude for some原thing that in truth I’ve never wantedcredit for.

When I was five or six years old, Iremember watching TV and I would seethese commercials and I was watchingother children suffer in other parts of theworld, and you know the commercialswere, you know,‘you can give 25 cents,se a child’s life,’you know? And Iwould think to myself like, I wonderhow many 25 cents I could se up tose all the kids in Africa. And I wouldsay to myself, you know, like ‘when Igrow up, when I can get rich, and I’mse kids all over the world.’I justdidn’t know I would be in the positionto do that by the time I was a teenager.

At 17, I started my career here inAmerica, and by the age of 18, I startedmy first charity organization. I went onto team up with other organizations inthe following years, and met, helped,and even lost some of the most beautifulsouls, from six-year-old Jaina Ane原ma who passed away in 2010 fromleukemia, her story inspired thousands tovolunteer as donors through DKMS. Fastforward to 2012, when my grandmother,the late Clara Brathwaite, she lost herbattle with cancer, which is the veryreason and the driving force behind theClara Lionel Foundation. We’re all human. And we all just want a chance: achance at life, a chance in education, achance at a future, really. And at CLF,our mission is to impact as many livesas possible, but it starts with just one.Just one.

As I stare out into this beautifulroom, I see optimi, I see hope, I seethe future. I know that each and everyone of you has theopportunity to helpsomeone else. Allyou need to do ishelp one person,expecting nothingin return. To me,that is a humanitarian.

People make it seem way too hard,man. The truth is, and what I want thelittle girl watching those commercials toknow, is you don’t he to be rich to bea humanitarian. You don’t he to berich to help somebody. You don’t gottabe famous. You don’t even he to becollege-educated. I mean, I wish I was,I’m not saying you know…Especiallytoday. It’s true, I might come back, butall right?

But it starts with your neighbor, theperson right next to you, the person sitting next to you in class, the kid downthe block in your neighborhood, you justdo whatever you can to help in any waythat you can. And today, I want to challenge each of you to make a commit原ment to help one person, one organiza原tion, one situation that touches yourheart. My grandmother always used tosay: ‘If you’ve got a dollar, there’splenty to share.’

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Itwas my honor.

